ESG360 - Cyberattack: The Growing Threat for ESG Investors

March 2023 / Podcast
Read time: 19 minutesESG360 - Cyberattack: The Growing Threat for ESG Investors
  • 83% of organizations report that they have experienced at least one ransomware attack over the past two years

  • Very few investors are taking a systematic approach to pricing cyber risk yet it's one of the fast growing ESG risks

  • The potential risk of cyberattacks to companies and asset classes may even be approaching the scale of climate change

In this episode, we discuss cybersecurity as an ESG factor or governance risk with Jason Mortimer, Head of Sustainable Investment for Fixed Income at Nomura Asset Management. We examine the growing threat of cyberattack, regulatory tightening, and why it should be on the minds of ESG investors. We also take note of how Nomura Asset Management's approach to cybersecurity risk helps investors avoid companies that may be overly exposed to cyberattacks, by integrating measures of cybersecurity performance into the credit analysis of companies to help clients make better investment decisions.


Viren Vaghela

Content Editor, Nomura

Jason Mortimer

Head of Sustainable Investment - Fixed Income, Nomura Asset Management

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